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About Us


Bob & Dee

Good morning, everyone. We would like to introduce ourselves to you. My name is Dee Knupp and beside me in this picture is my awesome husband, Bob. We are very proud to say we have both been ordained By Evangelist Richard Roberts under Oral Roberts Ministry. Just a little history about me. I was born on July 23, 1943, in Manhattan, a borough of New York City. I was married at 18 and we had four beautiful children. During that first year of marriage I went to a Revival Tent Meeting held by Evangelist/Pastor T.L. Lowry; and was radically saved. At the age of 21 I was filled with the Holy Ghost and FIRE, which has been burning ever since. There are many things that happened during the next few years that changed my life drastically. That story will have to wait. In 1998 I moved to Winslow AZ to care for my aging parents. Little did I know GOD had much bigger plans for placing me in the middle of the desert. While there HE was preparing me for the ministry, HE called me to. I taught all different ages of Sunday School classes. I have always loved to sing, had a trio for 10 years, sang in Praise and Worship, in choirs, and even made a record (remember those?). I taught Wednesday night services and preached in many different churches and denominations. I love GOD and GOD’s people everywhere. I truly believe we are one people under GOD Almighty and His Son JESUS. I have done street ministry, minister over youth, director of youth choirs and bus ministry in different states. Had Saturday night prayer meetings. I believe the Lord has had me dip my toe in about every type of church ministry there is, including directing a march around the city we lived in uniting all denominational churches together. That was awesome! The hand of GOD moved in so many directions, that is a story for a book. This is where I met my friend and now partner in ministry Marilyn Hines. Marilyn and I went on a Mission Trip witnessing and ministering through several southern states. This desert place was not just a place I was to care for you parents it was a place for grooming me for greater things to come. At one time the LORD told us to march around the city we lived in, joining all the denominations together. I never understood division in the body of CHRIST, little did I know HE was about to teach the whole City the importance of UNITY. God the Father, JESUS His Son, and the Holy Spirit is a perfect example of UNITY. They are three separate, but ONE in UNISION in all things. We are also three parts: Body (physical) soul (mind, will emotions), and spirit (spiritual); one person in three parts. If we are not unified together, it creates chaos in our lives, soul, body, and spirit. This is a very important part of our ministry. I am just touching the surface of all the LORD has done for me. I cannot possibly tell it all. It was not until 2007 that I started keeping a record of what the Lord was telling me. I have always been ‘out of the box’ to a lot of people but Winslow AZ is where I attribute the beginning of all I was being taught; to listen and see visons. It is where the Lord was beginning my new journey into the unknown, and what a journey it has been. This is where I wrote my first book, and in February 2013 He began speaking to me in poetry. That was a shock because I am not a poet, I didn’t even know I could write and now I’ve written several books. I call them lessons, teaching books, but it has been wonderful to say the least. the Lord spoke to me in November of 2003 while in prayer, HE said HE was preparing someone for me. He would be kind, loving, understanding, full of joy, be the minister of my finances, etc. In Georgia is where for the first time I came face to face with Bob. This is the man God had been preparing for me. We were married not long after that. In January of 2011 he had a stroke that hit hard, but we are still going strong. Again in 2022 he was diagnosed with heart failure and A-fib. Still it did not dampen the vision or his calling. Together we are still marching ever forward to the high calling of GOD. Bob’s calling is a Joseph anointing, to help finance the End Time move of GOD. At the time of his calling, Bob was Minister of Music in a large Baptist Church in Tennessee. He was attending the Baptist Convention in Jackson Tennessee, when He had a vision and covered a whole wall in his room. He saw himself going around the world giving millions of dollars into ministries and feeding the hungry. He did not dare tell anyone at that time because they did not believe in supernatural visions, and he did not want to lose his job. As the years passed his situation changed from one thing to another, but he never forgot the vision. In the early 19 hundreds he was introduced to Pentecost, and it changed his life completely. He is now filled with the HOLY GHOST and now understands the vision and his calling. It has been over 50 years, and he is still looking for GOD to slam open the door to fulfill this vision. We never lose HOPE because we know if GOD said it, it will come to pass, for HIS Words are Yes, Amen and True. Blessings to all Bob and Dee

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My name is Marilyn Hines. I was born in Columbus, Ohio to parents who strongly believed in the scripture, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 Beginning as an infant all the way through my teen years I was always in church. Later as a teenager youth group was added. There was a rule in our house, too sick for church then too sick to come out of your room. We could only come out to eat. In my teen years the only entertainment was maybe a radio, or a book. As a teenager I would sit in the balcony of that church and ask the question, “Is this all there is?” God has been answering that question all these years. He has and continues to show yes indeed there is so much more. I was save and filled with the Holy Spirit at a church in Gahana, Ohio. I attended World Harvest Bible College, and Lee University. Starting at Bible college and continuing all these years, God has been opening His word to answer the question of a teenager, “Is this all there is?” God birthed Power in Unity ministry in Winslow, Az in the late 1990’s I’m blessed to be a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. This scripture as guided my life and continues to do so. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding: In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

© 2023 by Darquez Smith & Marilyn Hines

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